Thursday 26 July 2018

Serene's Butter Cake

I'm sure many of you have heard of the famous Mrs SK Ng's Butter Cake recipe and have baked it at one point or another; I have baked that too myself and have loved the fluffy fine texture of it. I also love to eat butter cakes but I am also a lazy baker, so the egg separation method used in Mrs SK Ng's recipe often makes me think twice to take out my mixer. Then one of my baking friends, Serene shared her whole eggs butter cake recipe and Voila! Since then I have been baking this recipe. And for this, I'm going to call it Serene's Butter Cake :).

Marbled Chocolate version

Here is her recipe with slight adaptions made by me:

Makes a 8x5 inch loaf tin cake.


- 2 tsp lemon juice
- 90 ml mlk
- 250 gm butter, softened
- 140 gm castor sugar, sifted
- 30 gm icing sugar, sifted
- 3 eggs (60 gm sized)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 250 gm self raising flour, sifted
- 1 tsp Grand Marnier (optional)

For marbled chocolate flavour only:

- 2 tbsp cocoa powder, sifted
- 1 tbsp castor sugar, sifted
- some milk


1. Mix the lemon juice with the milk and set aside.

2. Cream sifted sugars and butter together until light and fluffy.

3. Add the eggs in slowly as you continue to mix. Ensure the eggs are evenly incorporated into the mixture.

4. Add vanilla extract and Grand Marnier (if any) into the buttermilk from step 1.

5. Fold alternately the flour and buttermilk into the creamed butter in 2 to 3 additions.

6a. For plain butter flavour, pour batter into a lightly greased loaf tin and bake at 
170non fan forced for 45-55min. Cover the cake with a piece of baking paper in the last 10min of baking if the top browns too much. 

6b. For marbled chocolate version, scoop 1/3 of the batter into a separate bowl and mix in the cocoa powder and castor sugar. Mix it well. Add enough milk to make the chocolate batter the same consistency as that of the plain batter.

Layer scoops of chocolate and plain batter alternately in a lightly greased loaf tin and use a skewer to make marbling patterns. Bake at 170C non fan forced for 45-55min. Cover the cake with a piece of baking paper in the last 10min of baking if the top browns too much.

7. Cool slightly in tin for about 5min before inverting cake out onto cooling rack to cool completely.

Updated 13 Aug 2018

My apologies for the typo in the ingredient list; I have actually missed out the eggs! Thanks to a friend who was trying out the recipe and brought my attention to the missing eggs which I have stated in the steps. Thanks J!

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