Tuesday 15 February 2011

Why this blog?

It has never occurred to me that I will ever start or have a blog of my own... until recently...

To cut the story short, I'm a stay at home mum who is looking for a "bigger" purpose in my life. I often wonder to myself: is that all to motherhood and being a mum? What about my personal developments? No doubt that it is a very rewarding experience to see my gal grow but I need something else in my life for me to focus on. Some thing that is strictly for myself and not for others. It suddenly occurred to me that I can share my bits of my life and from there, strike a chord with others in the areas of homemaking and parenthood. It is not so much as "giving advice" but more so of sharing my experience and mistakes and the joys along this journey that I'm currently on. 

I like all things pretty and nice to look at and I can safely self declare that I'm also a very homely person, hence I like stuff related to homemaking and all sorts of crafts. To be honest, I have the habit of starting many hobbies but never really get to being the master of any... it's like Jack of all trades and master of none... I have ventured into baking, acrylic painting, jewellery making, knitting, sewing, scrapbooking and my latest craze: cute bento making and sock toys. In addition to that, I'm very interested in home organisation (nope, my home is not organised, on the contrary I think I'm pretty messy!) and home management. I'm determined to master my hobbies and managing my household and I hope to share all of these through my blog too. I want to tell the rest of the world that there is life after household chores for a SAHM! :)

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