Saturday 12 March 2011

New Hobbies & Old Hobbies...

I had recently made my 1st sock toy after getting a book titled "Stray Sock Sewing" by Daniel Lin... was a little disappointed when I realised that the instructions on making a sock toy was not shown for one of the creatures which was featured on the book cover... Nevertheless, I decided to be ambitious and guess my way thru making that creature... and Voila! I did it! I posted a photo of the finished toy on Facebook and was surprised that most of my friends found it nicely and 'professionally' done! 

I had also just made a pouch for keeping my wet wipes (inspired by the Skip Hop wet wipes holder) so that I can hang on my stroller or in the car behind the front seat... took me a while to figure out the sewing steps to get all seams hidden... I was very pleased with myself because this time round, it took me much lesser time and effort in getting the sewing all nicely done up. I guess practice does help after all. However, I still missed a couple of steps and the measurements for the opening was estimated to be too big, hence there is still pretty lotsa room for improvements!    

Past couple of weeks was an arty and crafty period for me; I had also gone back to my old love of acrylic painting. I finally finished painting a kiddy stool for home use and now it lacks some final coats of varnish before it is deemed finished. Also went on to continue on a canvas on frame piece which was left half (no, 1/5?) done for the longest time! At the same time, while I'm almost done with the kiddy stool, I also started on another stool which I owed my dear friend since donkey years/months ago??? Glad that things are moving concurrently and I feel so much of an accomplishment to be able to finish off some of these projects.

I am also on the way to starting an online shop... selling mummies/children related stuff and hope that in addition to manufactured products, I can sell my handmade or painted items! :)